What We Do
We help individuals and families who struggle with domestic violence, sexual violence and suicide. We provide leadership skills training to help them achieve their aspirations focused on a Whanau Ora framework.
Our Philosophy
No-one is left behind, We’re there for you, we’ll help you pick yourself up, and we’ll also find the right type of support of you.
Kimiora means to find a way to well-being which guides our philosophy to support and nurture those who need our help.
Our Methods
We run wananga, these are held on our marae on the Whanganui river and also in communites around the country. This means we bring you home to our river and share it’s healing waters with you. We share sustainable practices to help you learn how to feed your whanau, both physically and mentally. Our three-day wananga we row from Whakahoro to Pipiriki, during this time we are out of phone coverage and access to roads.
Our Goals
Our team have a strong focus on setting and planning achievable goals that provide success for all families, how we do this is as follows:
To provide you with the support you need, when you need it.
To focus of your aspirations.
To hone in on your strengths and develop them.
To help you set your goals so that they are manageable, achievable and sustainable.
Make contact with us. Come with us on our awa wananga.
Suicide Prevention
Kimiora suicide prevention workshops teach skills to assist you when supporting a person at risk of suicide.
Wahine Ora
Wahine Ora is a strength-based kaupapa Maori 15 week leadership program for grassroots women facilitated around the country
Grow Kai Organic
Grow kai organic is an educational portal shared by Brian and Kiritahi Firmin for anyone wanting tips and ideas about growing kai and living sustainably.